In Control Scotland has published research into Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) experiences of implementing option two of Self-Directed Support.
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This project sought to understand where the approach to commissioning and providing care under option 3 has shifted in line with this aspiration; what has been required to enable this shift and what can be learned, shared and scaled up to ensure that people living across Scotland can expect a similar level of flexibility and person-centred support, even when they choose option 3. We sought sites to work with who could demonstrate that they have successfully changed or are changing the way they commission care and support under option 3 in a system-wide way., ideally where the new approach is embedded and generally available, sites who have been piloting at a small scale, were also welcomed to participate. In actuality, we did not find any sites where the changes to option 3 services went far beyond the pilot or test of change stage apart from a small number which, as will be explored in the report, now have well-established new models in place for a particular client group or type of support. This means that from what we have learned in this piece of work, we cannot say that provision of care and support via option 3 has changed significantly since the implementation of the Act.
You can also read/download an easy read version of this report