Getting to Grips with Self Directed Support
Getting to Grips with self-directed support is a half day training course all about the basics of self-directed support
This half-day on-line training course covers the values, principles and processes of of self-directed support and takes place on Microsoft Teams.
It is suitable for people who are new to self-directed support or as a refresher for anyone else and is open to Health and Social Care Partnerships, Service Provider Organisations, People in receipt of support and Unpaid Carers.
The cost to attend is £50:00 per person, but we are able to offer some FREE places to people in receipt of support and unpaid carers.
The next date for our next Getting to Grips with Self-Directed Support training session will be taking place on Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 25th February 2025, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
For further information and to register for a place, please contact us at: